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Scatter Falls Jamaica
A quick raft ride and stroll through a banana grove and green foliage will reveal a shallow stream. The watery path leads to a wooden gate that grants easy access to the slanted cascade when opened. Community residents refer to Scatter Falls as ‘Top and Bottom Falls’ because of the height of its larger structure and the mini cascades at its base. If you’re not familiar with the area, you may not find the waterfall without a guide. I suggest opting for a full day experience, inclusive of meals.
Get this whole experience +lunch when you visit for a day or by spending a night!

Scatter Falls Mineral Pool
The natural pool here is unlike any other I’ve been to previously. Its molding by the environment is similar to a tub’s, bordered by a round stone finish and equipped with a natural massaging water jet. The semi-transparent jade pool is lined with mineral clay, which is reputed to be beneficial for skin and if nothing else, feels revitalizing! Subscribers and I scooped handfuls of the stuff to exfoliate with.

Fox Caves in Portland, Jamaica
If you follow the steep trail (whether via Scatter Falls or the adjacent land) there’s an entrance to another adventure! A dark, downward hole in the hills takes you inside the sizable Fox Caves. Limestone formations of varying shapes create multiple chambers to explore, and some of them glisten with help from your flashlight. In 1 chamber, you’ll find an ankle-deep running stream. The river that rushes down Scatter Falls’ rock face sprouts from here, then pours into the mineral pool that overflows into the stream below (see more of this in my YouTube vlog below).

What aspect are you most interested in: Scatter Falls, the mineral pool, or Fox Caves?
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How could I get in touch with Mr. Mckenzie, the owner of Scatta falls please?
Hi Sandy, I received & responded to your email. Just adding it here for anyone else who may ask in the future:
At this time I don’t have a relationship with Mr. McKenzie. I believe I met his son in August 2020 after visiting this falls numerous times before. My associates on the islet (who would be your hosts/hostesses if you claim my exclusive discount) do have authorized access to the falls, mineral pool, and Fox Caves however. Hope this helps!
I think the Fox Caves are quite amusing. But I’d be a little scared so I’ll prefer people going ahead of me first. Haha!
Haha, long as you have a flashlight and sturdy shoes you’d be fine. Ever explored a cave before?
Now that I think of it. None except when I was a lot younger.
Sounds like you’re overdue an exploration.
You’re on your own with that cave Jhunelle 😂 I’ll stick with the waterfall and exfoliating 🤗🤗 This waterfall has been on my list for a while. I hope this year is the year!
Hahaha the cave is lovely